…by guiding and supporting the transformation of organizations from Ocean Science, Oceanographic, Shipping and Hydrographic to HYDROSPATIAL data & information-centric systems.

H2i (Hains HYDROSPATIAL international inc.)
Founder, President & CEO
Denis Hains, President & CEO of H2i is Member of “The Nippon Foundation – GEBCO Seabed 2030 – Strategic Advisory Group”; He is also the United States & Canada Hydrographic Commission’s representative on the International Hydrographic Review (IHR) Board of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO). He is an Affiliate Research Scientist at the University of New Hampshire, Centre for Coastal & Ocean Mapping (UNH-CCOM); he is the President of the Board of Directors of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Ocean Mapping Development “Centre interdisciplinaire de developpement de la cartographie des océans” (CIDCO); he is the Senior Special Advisor of the Canadian Ocean Mapping Research & Education Network (COMREN); and he is member of the Hydrographic Panel Accreditation Scheme (HPAS) for the International Hydrographic Federation Society (IFHS). He is also member of the 2020 Québec Land Surveyors (Ordre des arpenteurs-géomètres du Québec) Committee for the Modernization of the Land Surveyors Act in the Province of Québec, Canada.
A former Hydrographer General of Canada, and Director General, Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS), Denis is an experienced Senior Executive with a demonstrated history of providing leadership, working with Government, influencing and mobilizing industry, academia, international organizations and stakeholders. Denis has been chairing, vice-chairing, and has active membership of important national & multinational committees, commissions and working groups.
Graduated from Laval University in Quebec City with a Bachelor in Geodetic Sciences (Land Surveying), Denis has had a successful 35-year career as a public servant: 20 years for Fisheries and Oceans Canada – 18 for the Canadian Hydrographic Service and 2 for the Canadian Coast Guard – in addition to 15 years with Natural Resources Canada, primarily leading the Canadian Geodetic Survey.
Denis has held senior executive positions with all the organizations he worked for, including Regional Director Hydrography – Mont-Joli, Québec; National Executive Director – Canadian Geodetic Survey; Director General, Audit & Evaluation – Natural Resources Canada; Director General, Integrated Business Management Services – Canadian Coast Guard; and National Executive Director – Atlas of Canada, Earth Observations & GeoSolutions.

Leadership Video Testimonial
Dr Mathias Jonas – Secretary General,
International Hydrographic Organization (IHO)
Our services
H2i provides: consultancy, presentations, professional facilitation and tools to influence, develop, implement & monitor HYDROSpatial transition through: strategic vision, policy & planning, and engagement with clients, stakeholders, employees and the public.
Events & Activities
At H2i, we serve you with Trust, Respect, Efficiency & Quality.
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